Frankie & Chloe

Frankie & Chloe

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I was just listening to Tucker Carlson (my favorite news show) and he was discussing the fact that a certain pro-choice group would like to advertise abortion as a "blessing". They would also like abortion to be a funny topic on sitcoms and how it is something that can be publicly joked about. I'm not a blogger, but lately I've felt like talking about how much these topics makes me sick! I'm a pro-life, christian, God fearing, 36 year old woman that could not have children of my own. In was diagnosed with lupus at seventeen and have acquired eight more autoimmune disease since. This may sound like a huge deal to some, but I trust in the Lord and He has blessed me with a wonderful and caring husband that had two beautiful boys that now call me mom. I've been through a lot in my life, but have always tried to keep my eyes on the Lord. Back to my main subject.... abortion is so wrong! When you can hear your baby's heartbeat at six weeks, that means life. Your heart is whay gives you life. Without it...we are dead. How can anyone argue that? One of the ten commandments is do not murder, and with God, as Christians, we cannot bend the rules to whatever we want. We all son and we all go through tough times, but," Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Good is always there to help us get through things. Instead of taking a life, give that life to someone who yearns for a little bundle of life. Im not just writing this to preach, but to maybe help someone stop and think before they do something they'll regret. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart". God knows the number of hairs on our heads, knotted everything that we will go through on life before we do. God is ALL KNOWING, BUT ALSO ALL FORGIVING! I just hate the evil that is going on in this world today and I pray constantly for Christ's return, but until then,please think hard before taking a life. I know people that have and it had really scared them mentally and physically in some cases. This is not a laughing matter; a baby is a blessing from God. In also want anyone who may read this that has had an abortion to know that I don't just or think poorly of you. God forgives everything. You just have to ask, and He gives. Please let me know if you would like any information on coming to know God. It is really quite simple. Love Him, read His word and ask for understanding in prayers or with a pastor, and ask forgiveness for your sins. God loves all!